Thursday, April 28, 2011

simple ways to sell handcrafted earrings

Do you want to start your own business of handmade jewelry? Making handmade jewelry, earrings made by hand is easier than learning to sell, where to sell and at what price to sell your jewelry unique. Marketing, advertising and promoting your new business is an obstacle many can not overcome. Many people give up when just beginning to cause frustration.

Craft and jewelry shows can be a great way to get exposure for your jewelry business, not to mention generate some profits. Unfortunately, the competition for jewelry designers at these shows tends to be fierce, meaning you need all the competitive advantages you can get.

Online marketing for handmade jewelry artisans is growing quickly and it is easy to set up a free or relatively inexpensive website at many handcrafted sites. Building an online presence can take a lot of time and effort which will be worthwhile eventually. Do not depend on immediate sales as it takes time to become established online.

Local craft shows are a great way to start in the handmade jewelry business. Check your Chamber of Commerce for an event schedule in your area. Talk with other crafters to find other craft shows and art festivals that they recommend. Slowly build a schedule of shows. Pay attention to what your customers are looking for and try to focus on their needs.

Start slow with baby steps gradually building your customer base. Not every show will be a huge success but bit by bit you will learn all the things you need to know to make your handmade jewelry business a success.

Not everyone can be an artist and a salesperson. Luckily there are many wholesale jewelry suppliers who specialize in handmade jewelry and handcrafted artisan jewelry. Check out their websites and see if their wholesale products fall into the niche you have decided upon. Whether it is horse jewelry, cat jewelry, wildlife jewelry or Native American jewelry designs, you are sure to find wholesale jewelry suppliers who have the perfect handmade jewelry for your target market.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Clip Earrings a Fashion Statement

Pierced jewelry is all the rage among both the young and old, celebrities and commoners alike. But for various reasons, a person may be against ear piercings. It could be because ear piercings are a bit of a hassle, and then again it could be because body piercings are prohibited to a person because of religion or other constraints. Clip earrings are therefore very convenient and suitable for some people. Not everybody wants to be pierced, but everybody wants to be fashionable and chic.

For one thing, anyone can wear clip on earrings. Even the needle phobic. Whether your ear are pierced or not, you can always clip them on and enjoy the face flattering benefits earrings offer. If you never did pierce your ears because you find the holes there when you aren’t wearing earrings, kind of ugly, then clip-ons are your best bet. You get to wear earrings without have the piercings in your ear lobes.

With clip on earrings, the piercing, if any, won’t be stretched as the earrings are simply clipped on to the ear lobe and not supported via the piercing. You don’t get ugly slits with clip on earrings.